Welcome to the OKUFAYO-soft website.
This site is your portal to everything you want to know about OKUFAYO-soft, the program which helps hospices in Uganda to facilitate and simplify their administrative tasks. OKUFAYO-soft helps to maintain patients, control the stock and register all consults. Based on this data extended statistic overviews can be created and gathering data for the ODK –app of PCAU is easily.
The user friendly, easy to learn, program is a Windows Access program. It requires same basic Windows skills to start with the program, only a short implementation period is needed to get familiar with the program. Start using the software and even after a few weeks you will notice that you had spent less time on the administration tasks which gives you more time to spent on your main tasks: patient care.
This site gives you all information about the software. User manuals of all functions and What’s new documentation can be found on this site. Like the program itself, this site will be renewed on frequent base. Can’t you find specific information, come back in a few weeks and perhaps it’s added at that time. Or contact the creators of the program by sending an e-mail to okyfayo@frankrommens.com.